Benefits of Bones

bones2_beef knuckle
Group 7 Created with Sketch.

Whole Animal

Group 3 Created with Sketch.

Grass Fed

Group 3 Created with Sketch.

Horomone Free

Group 3 Created with Sketch.

Steroid Free

Group 3 Created with Sketch.

Grain Free

Edible Bones

Edible Bone Safety Tips

  • Always observe your dog until you are comfortable with the ‘Type” of chewer they are. Some dogs can be overly aggressive and others will try and gobble the bone up so no one else can get I, this can cause choking or gaging.
  • NEVER cook or serve your dog a cooked bone, cooking or bailing makes the bone brittle and makes it easy to splinter and cause injury

Recreational Bones

Recreational Bone Safety Tips

  • Always observe your dog until you are comfortable with the ‘Type” of chewer they are. Some dogs can be overly aggressive, and others will try and gobble the bone up so no one else can get it.
  • Once the bone has been chewed down to size your dog might be able to swallow take it away and replace (easiest way to get an old bone is to give a new one)
  • NEVER cook or serve your dog a cooked bone, cooking or bailing makes the bone brittle and makes it easy to splinter and cause injury