From our Happy K9 Choice Food family members

"she was diagnosed with a tumor..."
Sarah is 11 years and 9 months. She is a red and white bulldog with a few grey hairs.
In early May of 2009 she was diagnosed with a tumor on her spleen and
She had a severely bloated stomach. She had to be carried and could not breath well. We were looking at euthanasia very soon. She was on steroids and antibiotics. When I stopped at the K-9 Choice Foods booth at the dog show they told me about the pancreas helping with cancer and other illness. I decided to try it and within 2 days the swelling was starting to go down. Her legs were not so swollen, then two weeks passed and she was walking back up the stairs. Now a few months have passed and she is doing great. She is drug free at this time and even though she is still an old dog she is enjoying life. She enjoys eating her meal every day with the raw pancreas.
Thank you, Rolly and everyone at K-9 Choice for your support and a great product.
- Kandie and Sarah, Iroc Bulldogs

"Powered by K-9 Choice"
Champion Whitehills Sara Smiles of Iroc. Multi Best of Breed and Group winner.
She is 2 years old and eats K-9 Choice, she has a great coat, lots of energy for the shows and never refuses a meal even on the road. The different varieties and formulas available allow her to have a choice. Her favorite is buffalo and her favorite treat is smoked pancreas.
Thank you for making such a good quality food for our best friends.
- Kandie and Sarah, Iroc Bulldogs

"energetic level 10"
Thanks to K-9. Murphy (5 years) and Chloe (6 years) brother/sister. 2 fantastic Pomeranian, shit-zu mix. Just a few months ago we switched them both from dry bagged dog food to K-9 multi-mix, Marrow Bones, Pancreas and Liver Treats. After just a few weeks, their energy levels have sky-rocketed. They used to sleep all morning until about lunch, now they wake up at 7:00am and want to play and they stay awake. Murphy used to have intermittent nervous/muscular episodes which have completely disappeared. Chloe's left ear was always limp since birth, now she raises her left ear once in a while. They love eating this and I know it is helping them maintain a much healthier life and health. Thank you very much Rolly, Peggy, & Mark fo this amazing change in our life..
- Steph and Sam Vargas, Sherwood Park
"Best Food For The Bully Breed"
I just want to pass on the GREAT results K-9 Choice has had on my American Pitbull Terrier. I stumbled on the K-9 Choice website approximately 3 months ago and will not feed my dog another other type of food. Champ is on a diet of 60% Green Tripe and 40% Chicken Econo. This combination in my opinion has produced the best results in muscle and bone development. The proof is my pup, Champ (UKC Purple Ribbon) 8.5 months old topping scales over 100lbs. That's just crazy...
The smoked Pancreas is a great treat as well.
Not only is this food good for Champ, but it's good for me as well, less poop to scoop!
My thanks goes out to Rolly and the team, who takes the time to talk with you and help determine which product is the best for your dog.
- Darren Yates

"They genuinely care about Autumn..."
y beautiful Great Dane, Autumn, is a rescued dog. When she was rescued, she was a very sick puppy as she was seriously ill with EPI, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. This meant her pancreas stopped supplying the required enzymes to help her digest her food. She started losing weight and by the time she was diagnosed she had dropped from her healthy weight of 120 lbs to an undernourished and very skinny 95 pounds. Her coat lost its’ shine. She was lethargic and starting shying away from people. The common treatment for this ailment is a powdered enzyme replacement bought from the vet. The cost of this powder for a dog her size with the severity of her condition was so exceptionally high her vet suggested euthanizing her. Her owners at the time couldn’t afford the supplement but were reluctant to kill her so she was placed with a rescue society. After much research on-line, it was discovered that raw pancreas added to her diet could provide the necessary enzymes for a much more reasonable cost. Eventually, I found K-9 Choice Foods who, although they weren’t carrying pancreas yet, graciously committed to be my supplier. My dog is now eating 60 lbs of raw bovine pancreas every month and loves mealtime. She is back up to her ideal weight and looks gorgeous. Her energy and personality have returned and no one would ever guess she has a life-long ailment. K-9 Choice Foods has treated us wonderfully. They always have meat cut in easy to deal with frozen chunks ready for me when I call. They genuinely care about Autumn and because of their willingness to look into pancreas meat for me my beautiful dog can have a long, healthy life on a budget I can manage.
- Judi-Lynn Pearce

"absolutely LOVES her K-9 Choice! "
Thanks so much for getting me started with the factory direct today. I have already sold half my stock! I have included a photo here for the website...
"Champion Steinplatz Eiswein CGN, powered by K9 Choice! Icy is 4 years old and an active show dog. She's a picky eater but absolutely LOVES her K-9 Choice! A special thank you to Rolly & the gang for providing our dogs with such a dynamite product!"
- Laura & Eric Grandmont, Libelle Rottweilers

"baseball size tumor on her spleen"
Our dogs have been enjoying K-9 Choice Foods for over 5 years since we got to know Rolly & Peggy.
Recently, our little Princess became very ill and was taken to the Vet. Once there, they discovered a baseball size tumor on her spleen. Because Princess is over ten years old, I opted not to have surgery or open her up to find out more about the tumor. Upon leaving the Vet, I had to make a decision to either put her down, or "wait it out". *August 2009
Once Rolly learned of the tumor on her spleen, we immediately started feeding Princess healthy quantities of raw and/or smokes pancreas. *Update, 1 year later, Princess is doing wonderful, full of energy, and it appears the tumor is shrinking in size! Many thanks to Rolly & Peggy - Our neighbours & friends!
- Leanne Matheson - Sherwood Park, AB

"the great quality of food at K-9 Choice has made a huge difference..."
y boxer Apollo had been having almost constant diarrhea since he had a case of worms when he was still quite small. We treated the worms and things were okay for a bit again but then the diarrhea started becoming a daily thing. We had tests done on his stool and nothing came back then we went through pretty much every version of MediCal dog food available. Nothing helped and finally the vet told me that she suspected that he had irritable bowel disease and that we needed to do surgery for an intestinal biopsy to confirm. That was a $600- $800 surgery then he would have to be on medication for the rest of his life. I'm not a huge fan of surgery unless it's the only option available so I asked if there were other options. She said not with conventional veterinary medicine but I could try a holistic vet. I went to the Edmonton Holistic Veterinary clinic and found some other options. They suggested that I try a raw or home cooked diet. I had some reservations about raw at the time so I opted for home cooked. I got a bag of scraps from the local butcher and set to work. After 3 hours of scrapping meat off fat and gristle to get enough for a week's worth of meals I started to reconsider the whole idea. I contacted the butcher to see if they had cheaper cuts of meat that didn't involve so much work. They gave me Rolly's number and suggested I contact him. Apollo and I went to see Rolly and the rest is history. Apollo was much better once we switched to K-9 Choice food but was still having periodic bouts of diarrhea. After some more experimentation we discovered that it was the chicken that was giving him trouble so he's restricted to buffalo, beef or lamb (poor dog). He's totally addicted to the smoked tendons and thinks he's abused if he doesn't get at least one a day and will turn himself inside out for the smoked pancreas. He's healthy, happy, has a soft, glossy coat and has more normal stool than not. Rolly and Peggy have been so good to both of us and spoil Apollo whenever we see them. I'm grateful to have met them and the great quality of food at K-9 Choice has made a huge difference in Apollo's life.
All of the dogs in the picture dine on K-9 Choice raw dog food. From left to right starting in the back row we have Brutis, Caesar and Winston, then Chloe and ChaCha with Apollo at the front.
- Joanne Washington

"thanks to everyone at K-9 Choice."
This is Lloyd, our show staffordshire bull terrier. Since we started feeding our boy K-9 Choice Foods, he has flourished into a beautiful boy and has won his first show. He won best puppy in breed, first place junior male, best puppy in group and a reserve win. Only the best for our boy Lloyd! Thanks to everyone at K-9 Choice.
- Karl Hunter

"ecstatic about their new food..."
Thanks K-9 Choice for helping us to find a Healthy, Affordable replacement to Kibbles... I hope by sharing this experience we can help out others who are looking for the same! Bella & Mia Dei Opportunity (our 2 Italian Mastiffs) & Tucker (our German Shepherd cross) are ecstatic about their new food... And this spring we'll have our first litter of Registered Cane Corso puppies to add to the testimonial!!
- Trena Anderson - Camrose, AB

"Tierra is busy"
We thank you lots for this product because not only is it good for them but keeps them busy and happy!!!
- Karina - Camrose, AB

"Just Look at Curcut and Ellie..."
Curcut and Ellie love K-9 Choice Raw Dog Food, especially the knuckle bones. Raw food has helped Curcut maintain a beautiful, soft, shiny coat, and keeping weight on. Ellie is a first-timer and loves the raw foods and can't wait to try more 🙂
- Shannon - Pace Trial, Sherwood Park, AB

"We are true fans of the K-9 Choice products"
BRUCE needed a little shade and privacy before sinking his teeth in to that bone! Karina in Camrose says "We are true fans of the
K-9 Choice products".
- Karina - Camrose, AB

"WHO LOVES K-9 Choice?"
Curcut does! This photo was kindly given to us by Shannon of Alberta. We met Shannon and Curcut at the P.A.C.E. Trial in Sherwood Park, Alberta on September 17, 2005.
- Shannon - Pace Trial, Sherwood Park, AB

"Nice shiny coats & white teeth"
Thanks K-9 Choice for helping us to find a Healthy, Affordable
replacement to Kibble... I hope by sharing this experience we can help
out others who are looking for the same! Raw food has helped Rex and
Gizzmo maintain a beautiful, soft, shiny coat, and keeping weight on.
We switched both our Dogs to Raw food about 3 months ago and we are so glad we did. Not only do they Love there meal time they have benefited from it to. Smaller and Less Poop, Nice Shiny coats and their Teeth, OMY those Raw bones sure do help with Bad breathe and Shiny White Teeth!!
Both Our dogs say Thank You K9-Choice for our Tasty Meals and Treats, we're excited for our Dinner EveryDay!!
- Dawn & Patrick - Calgary, Alberta

"Dodger is well again, and, we did it without vet bills"
Dodger, our Border Collie developed hair loss, oily, flaky skin, and inflamed red sores. He was scratching incessantly and both of his legs became bald. The vet diagnosed secondary seborrhea caused by a food allergy and prescribed steroids for the inflammation and omega-3 rich kibble (second ingredient potato). Not interested in giving Dodger steroids and potato filler kibble, we instead searched for a quality raw food source and discovered K9 Choice foods and favoured it because, unique to anything else, this product is raised, slaughtered and produced in-house. Feeding Dodger the beef and buffalo portions from K-9, Dodger showed marked improvement within a few weeks . Of course we added raw vegetable, garlic, omega-3 oil, digestive enzymes, probiotic, etc. for balanced nutrition, because raw meat alone isn't enough. Now, 3 months later Dodger has zero skin problems and the fur on his back legs is growing in. Dodger is a super smart, 6 year old Border Collie, runs 5 km per day, walks 4 kilometres and regularly plays Frisbee, so he's always been active and not over weight. However, on a raw diet his demeanour is even peppier and perkier. His teeth are cleaner, and, he poops one compact well formed poop per day. On a kibble diet he had been pooping 3 large, smelly, soft piles every day and his teeth were becoming brown on the gum line. All of that has changed, Dodger is well again, and, we did it without vet bills. If you want a healthy dog, start a raw diet with the best – K9 Choice Foods.
- Greg Muzzatti - Nova Scotia

That's right! Does your dog love K9 Choice Foods? If so, take a picture of your dog(s) and send it to us for posting here. Please include your name, and your dog's name. You may email the photo or send it by mail. If sending by mail, please indicate if the picture must be returned to you. We want to hear from you!